Because of you silly frog, your unethical and unconstitutional mean resort had betrayed Perakians and your own dignity. Your contribution to UMNO will left profound and eternal memory in our hearts for causing us felt into the ruling of incapable and corruption government-BN.3/3/2009
Pakatan Rakyat State Executives and people representatives had impeded from stepping into the Building of State Legislative. Legal Speaker Sivakumar with all Pakatan Rakyat Y.B were propel to move under a rain tree about 200 meter away from the building to convene emergency state meeting.
16 NGO and societies in Perak had initiated petition in joint cooperation in order to dissolve state assembly and return mandates to people.
Hence, Pakatan Rakyat had naming that rain trees as "Tree Of Democratic" while erecting a plaque to commemorate 308 political tsunami.13/3/2008
The Democratic Plaque had purposely shattered into 24 pieces fracture segment by some party.13/4/2009
Finally the hallowed plaque which representing democratic in our country had removed stealthy by law enforcement units in late night.

Chao and Disgraceful 507 State Assembly
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