Have you switch off you light? In conjunction with earth hour 2010, 126 countries had signed up to switch off light from 8.30 pm till 9.30 pm which aimed to arise the cognitive and awareness of people on global warming. Among them were Washington, Beijing, Germany, Australia and etc. Anyhow, should we praised these countries for their one hour contribution to earth or slammed and condemned them for harming our beloved mother earth for centuries? Ironically, some people and countries were not responded to the summon with cordial as you can see what had human done and their impacts on earth based on the pictures. It was a utmost mockery to human! People can spend thousands money to buy their own interest things ,but can people buy another planet to live when our poor earth is burning his life every second. This was especially for those alleged prosperous and well developed countries that were well high-tech in their nuclear weapons, industries and luxurious living lifestyle but pushing human into the dooms of day. We are the product of our environment. We generate our own environment and we totally deserved the consequences from what we have done!
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